1. .
  2. Product Contracting

eSigning Contracts & Forms in MenuMetric

Instructions on eSignature functionality for F&I Contracts and Additional Forms

MenuMetric offers multiple options for processing eSigning the F&I contacts and forms. In this article, we will walk through the variables available. For the purpose of this walkthrough, we will assume you have made it to the Forms page and have successfully contracted your F&I products and Forms. If you need further instruction on getting to this point, check out the video or the Forms Page Article for complete details.



Step 1. Determine if your products are eligible for the eSignature function by noticing if there is a Pen Icon within the product row under 2. Product Contracting.


Step 2. Use the Sign Contracts button found at the bottom right of your page. 


A pop-up will appear for the Business Manager to sign as the dealer representative. Click Accept once you have finished signing. 


Step 3. Determine your signing scenario. 

Once you have accepted your dealer signature the pop-up will change to look like the following. You will use the below fields to best accommodate your sale scenario.

  • Who's signing?: This field is to determine which buying parties will be asked to sign. 
    • Buyer: If you select the buyer, only the buyer's signature will be requested when you go through the signature process. You can always come back and go through the signature process again later to have the Co-buyer sign at a separate time. If there is no co-buyer, you will only see this option.
    • Cobuyer: If you select the Cobuyer, only the Cobuyer signature will be requested when you go through the signature process. You can always come back and go through the signature process again later to have the Buyer sign at a separate time. 
    • Buyer and Cobuyer are signing together: If both buying parties are signing at the same time, use this option to request both signatures. For this example, we will proceed with both. 

  • Buyer Apply: You will use this field to determine which workflow you would prefer to be used for applying the buyer's signature.
    • All at once: Using this option will make it so that the signature will be requested at the beginning of the Contract and Form viewing process. The Buyer will then use check boxes at the bottom of each PDF display to apply their signature/initials to all places that apply for that contract or form. 
    • One at a Time: The signature will be requested at the beginning of the contract display process. The customer will then tap each signature/initial section individually as they scroll through the Contracts and Forms. (For this example we will proceed with the Buyer using this option.)
  • Cobuyer Apply:
    • All at once: Using this option will make it so that the signature will be requested at the beginning of the Contract and Form viewing process. The cobuyer will then use check boxes at the bottom of each PDF display to apply their signature/initials to all places that apply for that contract or form. (For this example we will proceed with the Buyer using this option.)
    • One at a Time: The signature will be requested at the beginning of the contract display process. The customer will then tap each signature/initial section individually as they scroll through the Contracts and Forms. 

Once you are done setting these fields to match your sale scenario, you will click Next to proceed. 


Step 4. Choose your PDF order and signing method. 

The pop-up will change to give you the options for multiple signing methods and your Order button.

  • Order: You will use the Order button to rearrange your contracts and forms in whatever order you want to display them to the customer. To utilize this function follow the steps immediately below.
    • First, select the Order button. 
    • Your product contracts and additional forms that you had previously generated will appear in a list. Use the grip icons found on the left of each entry to drag and drop into a new order.

    • Click Save when you are done rearranging your products and forms. 

Now that you have confirmed the order in which you would like to display your PDFs, you can move to choosing your signing method. You will want to choose which method works best for your sales scenario. Each method is described below. 


Method A.  On the PC with a mouse or a signature pad.

To use method A. On your PC with a mouse or a signature pad, use the following steps

1. Select the Sign on ePad Signature Pad or This Screen button.



2. Once the buyer has completed signing, they can select the Accept button.


3. The contracts and forms will now appear in the order that you had previously arranged them. Given that for this example we had chosen to have the Buyer apply their signature one at a time, it will look something like the following. (Reference Step 3. Signing Scenarios above for the signature application scenarios.)

  • The banner at the top and the tag attached to your mouse will remind you who is signing at this time.

  • To navigate through the PDF you can use the up and down arrows found at the top left of the window or use the Next button which will bring you directly to the signature section. 

  • The signature section will be highlighted. Click inside the box to apply the signature. Continue until all of the signature sections have been filled for that contact. 
  • When the Buyer Signature has been applied the the Customer Disclosure and the confirmation to do business electronically with *insert the name of your dealership* will appear at the bottom of the window. 

  • Once all of the signature sections have been filled for that contract/form, the Next button will change to Finalize. Select Finalize to complete that form and move to the next PDF.  Repeat Method A. Step 3. until all PDFs have been signed by the Buyer. If you do not have a Cobuyer or your Cobuyer is signing separately you can move to Method A Step 6. For this example, we will proceed with the co-buyer signing at the same time. 

4. Proceeding with the example settings we had set previously with the Buyer and Cobuyer signing together, the Cobuyer signature will be requested as soon as the buyer has completed signing. (View Step. 3 Signing Scenarios Who is signing? for signature scenarios.) Have the Cobuyer sign and then click Accept.


The PDFs requiring a Cobuyer signature will now display. The banner at the top will let you know who should be signing at this time. 

Given that we had previously selected to have the Cobuyer Apply All at Once (See Step. 3 Cobuyer Apply > All at Once in the instructions above. ), the Cobuyer will use the check box at the bottom left of the window to apply their signature to all signature sections for that form at once. The check box includes the Customer Disclosure and the confirmation to do business electronically with *insert the name of your dealership*.

5. Once the customer has marked the check box they can select the Next button to move to the next form. Repeat until the Cobuyer has completed all of the forms that require a Cobuyer signature. 

6. Once all of the necessary signatures have been accepted, the Status column on the Forms page will change to blue PDF symbols to indicate that the contracts have successfully been electronically signed. The signatures will now appear on the contract PDFs when displayed or printed. 



See below Method C. for further information. 

Method B. On an external device like an iPad or Tablet.

1.  Select the Sign on External Device button. 


2. On your external device enter the link provided in the pop-up or utilize the QR code.


3. On the external device enter the access code from the pop-up on the Forms page. Click Start Signing


4. You can use the View Contract button next to each entry to view the product contract or Form individually before signing. When you are ready to begin signing use the Buyer Start Signing button. 


5. The contracts and forms will now appear in the order that you had previously arranged them. Given that for this example we had chosen to have the Buyer apply their signature one at a time, it will look something like the following. (Reference Step 3. Signing Scenarios above for the signature application scenarios.)


  • The banner at the top and the tag attached to your mouse will remind you who is signing at this time.

  • To navigate through the PDF you can use the up and down arrows found at the top left of the window or use the Next button with will bring you directly to the signature section. 

  • The signature section will be highlighted. Click inside the box to apply the signature. Continue until all of the signature sections have been filled for that contact. 
  • When the Buyer Signature has been applied the the Customer Disclosure and the confirmation to do business electronically with *insert the name of your dealership* will appear at the bottom of the window. 

  • Once all of the signature sections have been filled for that contract/form, the Next button will change to Finalize. Select Finalize to complete that form and move to the next PDF.  Repeat Method A. Step 3. until all PDFs have been signed by the Buyer. If you do not have a cobuyer or your cobuyer is signing separately you can move to Method B. 7. below. For this example we will proceed with the cobuyer signing at the same time. 

6. Proceeding with the example settings we had set previously with the Buyer and Cobuyer signing together, the Cobuyer signature will be requested as soon as the buyer has completed signing. (View Step. 3 Signing Scenarios Who is signing? for signature scenarios.) Have the Cobuyer sign and then click Accept.


The PDFs requiring a Cobuyer signature will now display. The banner at the top will let you know who should be signing at this time. 

Given that we had previously selected to have the Cobuyer Apply All at Once (See Step. 3 Cobuyer Apply > All at Once in the instructions above. ), the Cobuyer will us the check box at the bottom left of the window to apply their signature to all signature sections for that form at once. The check box includes the Customer Disclosure and the confirmation to do business electronically with *insert the name of your dealership*.


Once the customer has marked the check box they can select the Next button to move to the next form. Repeat until the Cobuyer has completed all of the forms that require a Cobuyer signature. 


7. Once the signatures have been completed the following page will appear on the external device you are using. The customer may use the View All signed Contracts to view the contracts again. 



8. Once all of the necessary signatures have been accepted, the business manager can go back to their computer to the Forms page to view the signed forms. 

TIP: You may need to refresh your deals browser tab to see the changes.

The Status column on the Forms page will change to blue PDF symbols to indicate that the contracts have successfully been electronically signed. The signatures will now appear on the contract PDFs when displayed or printed. 

See below Method C. for further information. 


Method C. Remote text signature using the customer's phone, mobile device, or computer.

1. Select the Email/Text Customer Contracts for Signing button.


2. Prepare your email/text to the customer. 

  • Text It: check box: Selecting this box indicates that you would like to text the signature portal to the customer. If you would like to not text the customer, leave the check box empty. 
  • Email It check box: Selecting this box indicates that you would like to email the signature portal to the customer. If you would like to not email the customer, leave the check box empty. 

NOTE: You will need to have at least one of the above options checked to use Method C.

  • Text To: This will be the Buyers Cell phone number pulled from your Sale Information Page. (If you are sending the contracts to only the Cobuyer, the Cobuyer's cell information will appear here.)
  • Email To: This will be the Buyers Cell email address pulled from your Sale Information Page. (If you are sending the contracts to only the Cobuyer, the Cobuyer's email information will appear here.)
  • From: The business manager's email address. 
  • Subject: We have a defaulted prewritten email subject implemented for your convenience. You can change the email subject line on the fly within this field. 
  • Body: We have a defaulted prewritten email implemented for your convenience. You can change the email body of text on the fly within this field. 
  • Show FM Email & Phone: If you would like to have the Business Manager's email address and phone number displayed to the customer, check this box. View Settings: Employees to see what information you have on record. 
  • Show Dealer Email & Phone: If you would like to have the dealership's email address and phone number displayed to the customer, check this box. View Settings: Dealer to see what information you have on record. 
  • Send Completion To: When the customer has completed their remote signing process an email including a time log summary and notification is sent to any email addresses listed in this field. If you need to have multiple email addresses receive the completion email, enter the email addresses separating them using a comma. See below. 
    • Example: Businessmanager@email.com, groupfinance@email.com, GSM@email.com.
  • Send Completion CC: This field is the same the the one immediately above, but instead, the address is simply copied on the email instead of sent directly. 


3. Once you have finished setting the customizations in Method C 2., you may click Send Contracts. The customer will receive the email/text so that they may open the signature portal. 


4. The customer will receive an email/text that looks something like the following image. 

  • If you selected to have the Business Manager's email and phone number included, it will appear under their signature at the end of the email. 
  • If you selected to have the Dealership's email and phone number included, it will appear under the Sign Contracts button. 
  • The customer will select the Sign Contracts button to get started. 


5. The customer can use the View Contract button next to each entry to view the product contract or Form individually before signing. When the customer is ready to begin signing they will use the Buyer Start Signing button. 

6. The contracts and forms will now appear in the order that you had previously arranged them. Given that for this example we had chosen to have the Buyer apply their signature one at a time, it will look something like the following. (Reference Step 3. Signing Scenarios above for the signature application scenarios.)


  • The banner at the top and the tag attached to your mouse will remind you who is signing at this time.

  • To navigate through the PDF you can use the up and down arrows found at the top left of the window or use the Next button with will bring you directly to the signature section. 

  • The signature section will be highlighted. Click inside the box to apply the signature. Continue until all of the signature sections have been filled for that contact. 
  • When the Buyer Signature has been applied the the Customer Disclosure and the confirmation to do business electronically with *insert the name of your dealership* will appear at the bottom of the window. 

  • Once all of the signature sections have been filled for that contract/form, the Next button will change to Finalize. Select Finalize to complete that form and move to the next PDF.  Repeat Method A. Step 3. until all PDFs have been signed by the Buyer. If you do not have a cobuyer or your cobuyer is signing separately you can move to Method C 8. For this example, we will proceed with the Cobuyer signing at the same time. 

7. Proceeding with the example settings we had set previously with the Buyer and Cobuyer signing together, the Cobuyer signature will be requested as soon as the buyer has completed signing. (View Step. 3 Signing Scenarios Who is signing? for signature scenarios.) Have the Cobuyer sign and then click Accept.


The PDFs requiring a Cobuyer signature will now display. The banner at the top will let you know who should be signing at this time. 

Given that we had previously selected to have the Cobuyer Apply All at Once (See Step. 3 Cobuyer Apply > All at Once in the instructions above. ), the Cobuyer will us the check box at the bottom left of the window to apply their signature to all signature sections for that form at once. The check box includes the Customer Disclosure and the confirmation to do business electronically with *insert the name of your dealership*.


Once the customer has marked the check box they can select the Next button to move to the next form. Repeat until the Cobuyer has completed all of the forms that require a Cobuyer signature. 


8. Once the signatures have been completed the following page will appear on the external device you are using. The customer may use the View All signed Contracts to view the contracts again. 



9. Once all of the necessary signatures have been accepted, the business manager can go back to their computer to the Forms page to view the signed forms. 

TIP: You may need to refresh your deals browser tab to see the changes.

The Status column on the Forms page will change to blue PDF symbols to indicate that the contracts have successfully been electronically signed. The signatures will now appear on the contract PDFs when displayed or printed. 

See below Method C. for further information. 



Helpful Information

Note: If you are having the Buyer and Cobuyer sign at different times, you will receive a Yellow PDF icon to let you know that the contracts have only been partially signed. (See the image below. To have the other buying party complete the signing, use the Sign Contract button again. 


TIP: If you are using Form 8300, click Sign Contracts again to apply the Dealer Signature. 


The Sign Contracts button will turn to a muted color once all signatures have been applied to every contract/form. 



TIP: To view the Dealer Assisted eSigning instructions: Click Here!