Settings: Products: Filter Defaults

How do I default my product rate filters?

We have added a new feature to improve the efficiency of your dealership! You can now default your rate filters! 

Note: The Filter Defaults DO NOT select coverages for you. Filter Defaults simply narrow the list of coverages you need to search through on a regular basis. If you are interested in a program that auto-selects coverages, speak to our sales team about MenuSelect

How to set the Filter Defaults.

  1. Go to Settings then Products
  2. Once you are on the products page, use the blue pencil button to edit your desired product.
  3. Select the Filter Defaults tab.
  4. Your screen now may look something like the following. Use the drop-downs to select your filter preferences.
    1. Coverage: The coverage list will have all Coverage names that have ever returned for that product. 
    2. Term: Term indicates the months the product covers.
    3. Miles: Miles the product offers.
    4. Deductible: The Deductible field indicates the deductible type and the amount.
  5. Once you have made your selections, it may look something like the following. Click Save & Close when you are done.  

  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for all products you wish to set a default for. 

    Within a Deal

    For all deals going forward, your Filter Options will automatically be set when you open your rates. You can make changes on the fly within a deal as needed.