Settings: Dealer Information - Waiver

Set defaults for the Waiver form (found on the Forms Page)

  • Go to the Settings tab and then Dealer.
  • Within Dealer Information, navigate to the Waiver tab.
  • Use these settings here to control the defaults for your Waiver form.  These settings can be adjusted on the fly when presenting the waiver.  

Purchased Column & Non-Purchased Column:  Choose how product payments will be displayed on the waiver.  Choose from None, Price, Monthly, Daily, Price & Monthly, or Price & Daily. 


Show base payment?:  Choose to display the base payment on the waiver.  

Waiver DisclaimerSet a waiver disclaimer to be used on all FUTURE waivers.  Changing this setting will not affect the waiver disclaimer on deals that have already been started in MenuMetric.