1. .
  2. Product Rating

NAC and Kawasaki PPP Powersports products

Rating and contracting NAC and Kawasaki PPP Powersports products

There are a couple of unique things related the NAC Powersports products and rating/contracting. 


If the unit has a decodable VIN (decodable in NAC's system):


Ensure all of the fields are filled out correctly and click "Next" to get rates. 


If the unit has a NON-decodable VIN (can't be decoded in NAC's system)

You'll now see a flashing Binoculars on the rating page.  

You must ALWAYS click the binoculars and choose a make/model from the list.  This list is controlled by NAC (not MenuMetric).  If the make/model you need are not in the list, please contact MenuMetric Support and we will reach out to NAC to get it added.  



The PPP VSC is not available on new Kawasaki units.  You will sell the KPP VSC on Kawasaki units instead.